Harness Your Personal Power

“Ugh, no way you know what you are doing! Why would the world want to hear what you have to say? Why are you at this table with all these knowledgeable folks? They know you don’t know anything… STOP talking, DON’T say it,,, and so it goes”. I know this nagging voice in my head all too well. It’s also sometimes nicknamed as the ‘imposter syndrome’. But then I was 24 and green to the world, unaware of the abundance of personal power that is within me. Guess what I am much older now, able to harness my personal power and happily facing those situations with virtually zero fear, well mostly. Yeah that nagging voice hasn’t faded out completely but it has led way to a more confident, ready to take on the world powerful woman I find myself to be!

I don’t think age has everything to do with it, there’s the life experiences I have had along the way, what the world taught me, and of course the failures and losses I endured. As they say I lived and I learned. What I learned totally surprised me… the fact that I CAN choose. I am the one making myself anxious with my thoughts, creating a self fulfilling efficacy that sabotages my success. So when a nagging doubt pops up in my head again… and believe me it does every now and then. In situations that are new to me, public speaking scenarios, finding myself trying a new skill, doing something creative, that familiar negative voice starts again. I have 2 options then

The joy and ease show in my face when I am in my personal power

a) give in and become the 24 year old timid me

b) take my power and believe in myself and what I know

I choose the second option every time. And that’s what’s great about growing older and hopefully wiser. Loving myself has to be put first, taking time for myself even while I have the roles of a Mom, Wife, Daughter, Boss, Coach, Mentor… building and staying true to my brand and image in my own mind, irrespective of other’s opinions. That is the power I am talking about. The beauty of this is immense.

Get comfortable even outside your comfort zone by harnessing your inner power

Sometimes it means coaching myself out of the negative commentary. Other times it means distracting myself and physically doing something like standing in front of a mirror in wonder woman pose (watch Amy Cuddy’s Ted Talk here). As this all works out in my head I find getting a new kind of confidence in those situations that were making me powerless and anxious. I then choose to live through it with authenticity and power, as the woman I know I am. Not based on other’s opinions but based on my “knowing”.

I love sharing this wisdom I wish I had 20 years back. CHOOSE to harness the personal power that each of us has. I have shared this with my mentees, friends, coworkers, my children and anyone who will hear me out. Dig in and find that power! Go achieve your goal and cut out the noise because you have a choice. The choice to live fearlessly!